Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Place to Hang Our Keys

My husband and I are notorious for misplacing our keys. Whenever we get ready to go somewhere, one of us is always saying "have you seen my keys?" or "I can't find my keys". I decided it was finally time to solve that problem. My husband had started hanging his keys on a nail by the door and I decided we needed something much prettier than that to hang our keys on.

I originally wanted something that would hold the mail as well but I could not find anything suitable. So I decided I'd just make something to hold our keys and the mail would go in another spot.

I went to Hobby Lobby and found the PERFECT thing. (By the way, if you don't have Hobby Lobby's app on your phone, GO DOWNLOAD IT NOW! They ALWAYS have a 40% coupon available)

I love how this plaque looks and I got the little screw-hangy-things (I'm pretty sure that's the real name) to screw into the bottom for hanging keys.

When I purchased this, my husband asked me if I was going to stencil my quote onto it. I looked at him and said "nope that's why I purchased my Silhouette so I never have to stencil again!" I know I've said this before but I really, really, really love my Silhouette. I have never regretted the money I spent on it.

I already had ideas flying through my brain about what I was going to do and when I got home, I picked out a matching vinyl and paint color. (I purchased 27 (I think) 6x12 vinyl sheets off of Amazon for about $10, even though the sheets are not big, I got a lot of colors for a little price)

Then I painted the middle of the plaque white because that's where I was going to put my quote:

And I painted the outer edges yellow:

I came up with my quote when we were leaving Hobby Lobby. I was going to do "Home Sweet Home" but that is just so cliche and I like to be original!

Love the quote!! Unfortunately when I hung it on the wall, my matchy-matchy scheme didn't work out so well. You couldn't read what it said from across the room. So...I peeled off all the vinyl and picked a different color. 

Much better!! (Plus it's Oregon Duck colors so it really worked out for the best!) The matchy-matchy was cute but this was easier to read and it's cute too!

Hanging on the wall after I got my handy husband to screw in those screw-hangy-things:

I just notice the picture is crooked but be assured that it does hang straight in real life!

Since hanging this up, I have noticed that we have both been better about hanging our keys here!

I'm going to try (fingers crossed) to blog more often. I just realized I haven't blogged about doing anything crafty since May! I just bought my first sewing machine and made curtains so hopefully I will have some time soon to blog about that fun process!

til next time,