Monday, November 4, 2013

A (very) easy and (very) cheap dog bed!

Did you know that dog beds range from $40 up to like $100!?!?!? I was shocked! I knew there had to be an easy and much, much cheaper way to make a dog bed. So I headed on over to the thrift store. After playing around with a couple ideas, we decided a comforter inside a fleece blanket would be soft, warm, and easy to clean (in case of accidents).

The comforter cost me $5 and the fleece was $3 (thank goodnesss for 50% off days!!)

I sewed the fleece blanket in half. I just followed along the seam that was already there so no pinning! (Score! I hate pinning!)
I sewed two sides and left the third open so I could stuff the blanket inside. When I got to the corner I just followed the seam right around.

Then I flipped the blanket inside out so my seam was on the inside.

And I stuffed that comforter inside!
And actually I had to steal some old shirts of my husbands to stuff inside because the comforter was a little bit shorter than the fleece. When we were at the store we were debating about getting a sheet to stuff inside but I thought that would be too much. When I got to this point I was really wishing I had gotten that sheet!

Then I laid the whole bed on my sewing table. That made it easier to sew the last side shut.
Because this was for my dogs, I wasn't big on sewing the whole side by hand so that the seam wouldn't show. I just sewed it shut.
The whole project probably took me twenty minutes and that was with taking pictures and going to find old shirts. It cost me less than $10, all I had to buy was the comforter and blanket, I already had thread and everything else.

Oh, and the dogs love it.
I told them to sit on their beds and act happy, so they did! I even made another bed for them so they wouldn't have to share and that one cost less than $10 too!

til next time,

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