Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cheap, Easy Outlet Covers

When I say cheap, I mean CHEAP. This has to be the cheapest craft I have ever done.

Tools Needed:
Old, ugly Outlet Covers (already had)
Mod Podge (I made my own and it was cheap, cheap, cheap, more on that in a sec)
Scrapbook Paper (I got two large sheets for .59 each)
X-acto knife (already had, it probably cost me a couple bucks, but incredibly worth it, I use it all the time)

For the "homemade" mod podge, I had seen a couple blogs where some people had made their own. It's equal parts water and white glue. Fill up your jar halfway with glue, then the rest with water and shake! Simple! I figured I had nothing to lose by making my own, because if you have ever looked, Mod Podge is EXPENSIVE. I made this a couple months ago but had never used it on anything important so I figured I would try it for this project.

First I gathered all my materials together:

I wanted my paper to wrap around the sides of my outlet cover, so I cut the paper extra big. I actually took two outlet covers, lined them up next to each other and cut around both. That gave me more than enough paper for one cover.

The first cover I did, I put mod podge on the outlet and the paper and it ended up really gooey, it did dry fine though. The rest of them I only put mod podge on the cover itself and they turned out fine.

Once they were dry, I cut off the excess paper on the back:

And this is what I had:

I love how the paper covers the whole outlet and you can't see any of the cream from before.

Then I took my x-acto knife and cut from the back:

Here's the finished product:
One of the blogs I read put another coat of mod podge on top, I guess to make it shiny. I put another coat of mod podge on mine and they looked the same. That doesn't bother me at all, but if you want it shiny, this homemade mod podge is not the way to go.

In the end, I would definitely recommend this as a cheap, easy way to make your outlet covers pop. I can't wait to do the rest of my house!!!

see ya soon,

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