Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Menu Board

I have been wanting some kind of menu board for awhile. I really love the chalkboard ones but just can't bring myself to buy one. Using things that I already had, I created one. Now this one works for me because I only cook once, maybe twice a week. If I cooked more, I would need a bigger menu board.

I have a bunch of these boards sitting in my closet, I used to use them when we lived in Alabama to put quotes or "Go Noles" on!

 I printed out this guy with my Silhouette:

I decided to stencil the days of the week on the board instead of using my Silhouette.

I wrote them in pencil just in case I made a mistake and it was a good thing I did because, of course, I needed to move some around.

It was easy enough to just paint over the erased pencil marks with white paint. And then I just painted the letters black.

And added what I had printed out with my Silhouette at the top:

Then my loving hubby helped me screw in these hooks underneath each day of the week. We tried just screwing them in but ended up having to drill starter holes in order to screw them in.

Then I found these adorable metallic binder clips that I hung on each hook

The plan is to clip a recipe onto whatever day I'm going to cook that recipe. So far it's worked well. I planned to cook Pork Chop Casserole on Tuesday and did. Then I ate leftovers for a week. I need to find more recipes for one, since my hubby doesn't eat what I eat. I get tired of eating leftovers after a couple days. Any suggestions?

til next time,

Sunday, October 26, 2014

A Tale of Failure

I like to try new things. I see something and think "I could make that" and probably 6 times out of 10, I can figure it out. But sometimes I don't. And today I'm going to share something that I just COULD NOT figure out.

Enter Rocking Chair:

Picked up at a thrift store by my Grandma and then given to me. The seat cushions were the same ugly fabric as the ottoman, they were just being washed when this picture was taken. They didn't wash well so enter the idea of new cushions!! I mean, come on how hard could it be to recover new cushions? It's just measuring, cutting, and sewing. (Ha, if only I had any clue.)

I first tried to measure the chair and then cut out cushion stencils on cardboard. That DID NOT work. Then I had a genius idea, why not take the old cushions and trace them? Hello! Totally worked!!

I cut those out with scissors (which by the way took FOREVER). Then came the fun part, buying foam and FABRIC! (I love fabric, I pretty much hoard it). My hubby and I decided on 2 inch thick foam because it would be more comfortable.

The green fabric was going to be the ottoman, the other fabric the chair.

Next problem, how do you cut 2inch thick foam?? Answer: With a knife and a lot of time.

After cutting out the bottom cushion, I thought I would cover it and then cut out the top cushion. (Reason being I was tired of cutting through foam, plus I thought this would be the easy part).

Now everyone says "measure twice, cut once." I decided to trace my cushion 2 inches bigger all the way around then it actually was. I sewed it up was too big and too small. How can it be both?? Trust me, it can. It was too big wide and too small length. So I took it in on the sides and added 2 inches of fabric.

Is this real life? It was now too small. So I decided to start on the back cushion. I figured I would learn from my mistakes. Ha.
Cutting it out from the foam wasn't so bad. I pretty much have the hang of cutting foam now. Now, when I traced my fabric, I cut just about an inch bigger than I needed.
The frickin' thing didn't fit. This is after I had already doctored it. The first time it ended up being 2 inches too small!! So I added 6 inches, 2 for each side and 2 for the width. Still too frickin' small!! How is that even possible?!?!

It was at this point that I quit. Sometimes you just gotta admit when something has the better of you. I had already put in too much time and effort that it wasn't even worth it to me anymore. I'd love to admit that every time I try something it works, but that's not real life. Sometimes I try things and they don't turn out at all. And that is okay.

So off to Target I went to see if there was such a thing as a "rocking chair slipcover". Guess what? There's not. But after an hour of wondering around (and finding multiple things I did not need but couldn't not buy) I found this:
It says right on the package "fits multiple shapes and sizes". Guess what? It doesn't. The dang thing didn't work, so it will be going back to Target. But while I was wandering around Target, I found this baby ON SALE:
Flannel sheet set for $35! Awesome because we needed new sheets!

So can you guess what the rocking chair is wearing?

Yep, old sheets. And guess what? I love it! And guess what else? It's staying like that for awhile.

Any tips or tricks on recovering cushions is appreciated. One day I may get tired of the sheet and decide to try again.

So not every craft I do is perfect or even gets finished. But just because I failed doesn't mean I won't craft again or even try my hand at this again.

Oh, also, I'm trying to get better at blogging again. We'll see how this goes.

til next time (hopefully that's soon),
