Thursday, September 27, 2012

Jewelry Maker

Making jewelry is actually one of the first crafts I ever tried and I love it. I've been making my own jewelry off and on for about six years now. There's just something about making jewelry that makes me happy!

About a week ago I went to Fire Mountain Gems (I definitely recommend them if you ever need beads), and I bought 16 strands of beads for $20. For those of you who don't bead that might sound like a lot of money, but believe me that is a good deal! Fire Mountain Gems is known for selling beads in bulk but if you shop their clearance you can get some really good deals!

Here are the necklaces I've made in the last week:




 Necklace/Bracelet Combo, Turquoise/Cream

Two layered necklace, Pink/Black


Halloween Necklace, Black/Orange

Also, if you make jewelry I definitely recommend a "headless neck" as I call it, I think the technical term is "necklace displayer" or something fancy like that! It is definitely a lot easier taking pictures using the headless neck than trying to do it any other way, and believe me I've tried many other ways! I believe it was about $5 at Michaels.

Lastly, from one crafter to another, if you have an iPhone (I know the iPhone has these apps, I'm not sure about other smartphones) definitely, absolutely, make sure you download the Michaels app and the Hobby Lobby app, they ALWAYS have coupons on their apps and all you have to do is show the coupon on your phone when you checkout!

If you have any interest in any of these necklaces contact me at to place an order!

Happy Crafting!

Friday, September 7, 2012

A How I Met Your Mother Inspired Craft

Cliff and I are HUGE How I Met Your Mother (or HIMYM, as I will refer to it the rest of this post) fans. As in not only do we DVR every episode but we also have every season on DVD. If you are a huge fan of HIMYM then you will remember the Long-Term Bets box that Marshall and Lily had. If you aren't as cool as the rest of us, here is a picture (I'm just kidding, you're still cool even if you don't like HIMYM but you should seriously watch it)

 This is the best picture I could find and believe me, I scoured the internet.

Basically, the Long-Term Bets box is a box where Marshall and Lily put bets that they made each other. That brings me to the point for this post. Cliff and I like LOVE to bet each other on EVERYTHING. So after seeing this episode, it was clear that we needed a Bets Box. However, I kept forgetting to make one until this last week. Cliff texted me and said "make us a bets box". I had nothing better to do, so off I went.

Problem One: Finding a box.
In my head I remembered the box from HIMYM being a shoe box. I didn't have a shoe box. Luckily, I am a hoarder and keep everything with the thought that I might be able to craft it into something one day. So I just happened to have:

A recipe box! And because of Pinterest (oh my gosh I LOVE Pinterest), I keep all of my recipes online, so I have no need for a recipe box. 

Even better:

 The lid pops open. I was pretty excited about that! Now that I had my box, I had no idea how I was going to decorate it, so I pulled out everything I had:

I had lots of foam, poster paper, craft glue, ribbon, foam letters, paint and lots of markers and stencils.

(This next part has no pictures because I totally forgot to take pictures as I was working)

I first started off by trying to cover the box in foam. However, I come from a long line of perfectionists and the foam just didn't cut it for me. It was messy and just looked plain bad. So I went to my favorite thing in the whole world. Paint. Paint is very forgiving and it loves me as much as I love it. So I painted the whole box white. was incredibly boring. I stared at the box for about thirty minutes hoping it would tell me what it wanted to look like. I finally decided to turn to paint again. But I didn't want to just paint the box a different color. I wanted something fun, something funky. So I decided a funky stripe would do the trick. I wish I had pictures of this process because trust me, it was no piece of cake.

 But it turned out like this:

I used pre-cut, pre-sticky, foam letters (and that was the easiest part of this whole project.)

And yes I know the paint job is not perfect, but it works for me. Cliff has been trying to get me to see things as "perfectly imperfect". I would prefer things be "perfectly perfect" but sometimes things turn out imperfectly and that's okay.

On the top of the recipe box, I stenciled out our names, and colored them in with marker. Using the marker was easier than trying to paint and I wanted the letters on the top to be a lighter green than the paint and I didn't have any lighter paint.

And the inside was PERFECT for a small notepad and a pen. Now we just need to start betting!

P.S. After doing all of this, I looked in my closet and I actually DID have a shoe box. But I'm glad I didn't find it earlier, because I really like how my recipe box turned out!